Home Store Age of Sigmar Grand Alliance Order Home Store Age of Sigmar Grand Alliance Order Grand Alliance Order ShowHide filters The White Dwarf (1) Cities of Sigmar (13) Daughters of Khaine (7) Fyreslayers (5) Idoneth Deepkin (7) Kharadron Overlords (8) Lumineth Realm-Lords (9) Seraphon (12) Stormcast Eternals (21) Sylvaneth (9) Game Role Battleline (14) Behemoth (7) Hero (6) Leader (31) Leaders (1) Scenery (1) Unit (23) Type / Keyword Artillery (1) Beasts (1) Cavalry (13) Dice (4) Faction Starter (5) Hero (11) Infantry (41) Monster (4) Scenery (1) Starter (1) War Machine (2) Wizard (9) The White Dwarf Cities of Sigmar Armies of the free cities Daughters of Khaine Twisted followers of the God of Murder, the Daughters of Khaine. Fyreslayers The Fyreslayers are fearless champions who wield the blazing power of ur-gold. Idoneth Deepkin Seaborne raiders raiding the Mortal Realms using fierce sea-beasts to crush their foes. Kharadron Overlords Skyborne, science-wielding duardin ply the skies in gun-laden ships in search of plunder and profit. Lumineth Realm-Lords Seraphon Honour the Old Ones with savagery, cunning and ancient technology. Stormcast Eternals The Stormcast Eternals are lightning-wielding knights blessed by Sigmar himself. Sylvaneth Grombrindal: The White Dwarf Issue 500 Celebration Miniature £22.50 Was £25.00 Galen and Doralia Ven Denst £33.30 Was £37.00 Supreme Sorceress £11.50 Was £12.75 Freeguild Cavalier Marshal £33.30 Was £37.00 Freeguild Steelhelms £30.60 Was £34.00 Freeguild Cavaliers £38.25 Was £42.50 Ironweld Great Cannon £30.60 Was £34.00 Freeguild Command Corps £30.60 Was £34.00 Tahlia Vedra Lioness of the Parch £85.50 Was £95.00 Freeguild Fusiliers £33.30 Was £37.00 Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk £30.60 Was £34.00 Zenestra: Matriarch of the Great Wheel £39.60 Was £44.00 Spearhead: Cities of Sigmar £78.75 Was £87.50 Callis and Toll: Saviours of Cinderfall £42.75 Was £47.50 Vanguard: Daughters of Khaine £76.50 Was £85.00 1 2 3 … 7 }