Punishing One
Scum and Villainy
Within this expansion, you'll find: 4 Ship Cards: 1 Dengar 1 Manaroo 1 Tel Trevura 1 Contracted Scout 12 Upgrade… Read More
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- The JumpMaster 5000 is the chosen vessel of Dengar
- Dengar's Punishing One can keep pace with even the most desperate fugitives
Within this expansion, you'll find:
- 4 Ship Cards:
- 1 Dengar
- 1 Manaroo
- 1 Tel Trevura
- 1 Contracted Scout
- 12 Upgrade Cards:
- 1 0-0-0
- 1 Adv. Proton Torpedoes
- 1 Contraband Cybernetics
- 1 Dengar
- 1 Informant
- 1 Ion Torpedoes
- 1 Latts Razzi
- 1 Lone Wolf
- 1 Perceptive Copilot
- 1 Punishing One
- 1 R2 Astromech
- 1 R5-P8
- 1 Condition Card:
- Listening Device
- 2 Quick Build Cards
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