Home Store The Old World Home Store The Old World The Old World ShowHide filters Active filters:- Scenery Get Started (3) Dwarfen Mountain Holds (14) Empire of Man (10) Kingdom of Bretonnia (9) Orc and Goblin Tribes (12) Tomb Kings of Khemri (9) Warriors of Chaos (7) Old World Accessories (1) Old World Terrain (4) Game Role Hero (2) Type / Keyword Accessories (1) Artillery (2) Cavalry (10) Character (5) Chariots (2) Dice (2) Faction Starter (5) Hero (6) Infantry (16) Monster (3) Rules (9) Scenery (4) Starter (1) Fortified Manor of the Empire £62.90 Was £74.00 Sigmarite Chapel of the Empire £26.80 Was £31.50 Walls and Fences £17.45 Was £20.50 Watchtower of the Empire £37.40 Was £44.00 }